Livecraft’s Powerful Plugins (And how to use them!)

Livecraft has a few plugins which can be extremely useful, but they require extensive knowledge on how to use said plugins. Our most handy plugin for builders and architects is called “Craftbook”. It contains a wide array of building and redstone features.

Knowing how to use this plugin can help you greatly. Here’s a link to the Craftbook wiki.

Another very useful plugin: Essentials. This plugin is one that pretty much everyone has heard of, but probably hasn’t noticed it. Essentials is what makes Bukkit and Spigot servers seem “better” than Vanilla servers. Essentials provides the new commands, utilities, and functions expected from a more professional server.

Because Essentials adds hundreds of commands more than what Vanilla has to offer, there is quite a bit to memorize. Here is the official Essentials Command Guide:



– Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)

[IMPORTANT] Permissions reset.

Me, being the genius I am, forgot to back up permissions. Not only that, I managed to accidentally delete all of our plugins. This includes Essentials and GroupManager. Your items are fine, but it’ll say “Welcome, blah to Livecraft!”, and permissions are currently not implemented. I’m working on fixing this asap, and I will have the whitelist off ASAP

Apologies, Jonathan Alfonso (Alfonsojon)

My personal blog is now up!

Hey guys, as you may know by now, I’m a tech guy. I do tech as a living, and I’m planning on keeping it that way. In order to just have a place to put my tech babbles and rantings, I’ve made a separate blog in case any of your are interested. My blog is at, and it’s titled “{musings of alfonsojon}”. I hope you enjoy!

– Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)

Livecraft Ranks & Permissions Guide now available!

Hey guys, I’ve been working on a complete Ranks & Permissions guide and it’s available now. Go ahead and check it out by going to the home page and clicking “Rules”.

I also made a PDF available here for you guys to print out if you would want to do so.

– Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)

[IMPORTANT] We’re back!

Hey guys, just posting to say we’re back online! Here’s a picture of our current spawn 🙂

New world info:

  • World is 512 blocks high instead of 256 blocks high
  • World is using the seed livecraft instead of Livecraft
  • World is using the large biomes setting.


~ Jonathan Alfonso (Alfonsojon)


[IMPORTANT] Update on Downtime ETA

Hey guys, sorry to delay, but I’ve been busy around July 4th, and now I’m tired. I have a lot of work to do on the server and I don’t want the server to be half-ready when I launch. My goal is to have it working as nicely as possible, so more downtime will be necessary. I can’t put deadlines on myself, but the goal is to have it online by this upcoming Thursday Sunday.

No guarantees, but that’s what I’m hoping for. Sorry for the delays,

Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)

[IMPORTANT] ETA on updates

Livecraft is currently under maintenance. We will be fully operational by the end of the week, but we will be online sooner. Expect some issues, and as always, please report any issues to

[IMPORTANT] Emergency Reset

Hi guys, rolling the map back didn’t work. The server map is slowly regenerating. I honestly don’t know what’s going on, but the map is just going haywire. The flatlands, redstone flatlands, and skylands worlds were saved; however, the rest is not able to be saved. I’m sorry guys 🙁

The reset will be taking place today at 3:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM UTC. If I didn’t have to reset, I wouldn’t. I’m sorry guys.

– Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)

Server Development Tips

Hi guys, due to the amount of requests, I will be putting FAQ pages and tutorials to the website on how to do certain aspects of server setup. One of my first tutorials will be how to convert PermissionsEx to GroupManager, and the next will be covering setting up and using a dedicated Linux host; furthermore, it will cover which operating systems I recommend and do not recommend.

Hopefully this will be of use to many.

Regards, Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)