[IMPORTANT] 1.6.4 Update

I have updated the server to Minecraft 1.6.4. For a short time, both mcMMO and TrainCarts will not function. Once these plugins are updated and work on 1.6.4, everything will be back to normal.
Edit: All updated and ready to go.

Minecraft 1.6.2 had an exploit which allowed someone to steal someone else’s session and log into a server as if they were that user. This affected us directly, and someone logged as me (alfonsojon), giving them full access to the server. Fortunately, David (Drak1234) restored the server, but this should not happen in 1.6.4

The only major reason this update was released was to fix this major security flaw.

Regards, Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)

[OFF TOPIC] Livecraft’s Mascot

So, as you may or may not have noticed, LC’s “mascot” is the little creature in the roll SWF. A friend of mine shared that with me some time ago, and I posted it on my personal website, then shared it with Jon shortly after. Here’s the details about the SWF.

The song comes from a looped bit of Help Me, ERINNNNN!, specifically between 1:02 and 1:22.

The creature thing rolling is called the Super Happy Puppy Whirl.. Which has been around for a while, apparently. I picked up a (low-res) original. Hit that up if you don’t enjoy seizures. 😉

– David (Drak1234)


Back Online

With exception to the flat-lands, the server’s been fixed up. The IP registration system I mentioned before is functional, but considering I wrote it in a short time-span (and tested it under controlled conditions), there will be some problems.

Should you experience problems regarding the plugin, spot griefing I haven’t cleaned up in the flat-lands, or similar, please calmly contact me via the server, the comments, or, if necessary, by e-mail (adrakoala@gmail.com).

– David (Drak1234)

Some News

UPDATE: The world(s) have been fixed and rolled back one day [09/10/2013]. Progress made after this has been erased, and we apologise for any inconveniences. We’ll be public, hopefully, tomorrow once I get an IP registration system set up. In the mean time, please enjoy Livecraft’s mascot rolling.

Unfortunately, three users utilized an exploit allowing them unrestricted access to Livecraft, resulting in ‘massive’ griefing. Fortunately, however, I’ve been keeping backups off-server, alongside the server’s automatic backups. I’ll be checking for the latest version of the world and rolling the server back to it. Any griefing from today will be fixed at the cost of any progress made in recent time. I’ll be posting how far back the server needs to be reverted to.

Until further notice, the server will be unavailable (for approx. 1 day).

Thanks for your patience!

Note: When the server is back online, you will only be allowed to connect with an IP address (or multiple) you register with us. This will prevent unauthorized usage of your account on Livecraft.

– David (Drak1234)

Website Updates

I will be updating the theme used on the website. I aim to improve screen space usage while making the website better to look at. All changes are purely cosmetic and will not affect how the website works.

Regards, Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)

New Features for 1.7

Over the past months, Jon and I have been discussing (however briefly) how we could liven up Livecraft a bit with more things to do. So, when 1.7 is released, we’ve decided to re-introduce Mob Arenas, PvP arenas, and a special surprise: player-submitted arenas.

We’ll be constructing a few official arenas, all of which will be publicly accessible, and there will be a section in the forums to submit your own arenas. I’ll be posting guidelines and tips there to make getting started simpler.

Another new feature, which may or may not be completed by 1.7’s release, is dungeons! The way it will work is similar to mob arena. Players choose their class (i.e. Warrior, Ranger, Mage, etc.) and are thrust into a pre-built dungeon in which mobs, of increasing difficulty, are spawned throughout. As you progress, your dungeon level will increase. It’ll essentially be a dungeon crawler mini-game. More news on that as I complete the plugin.

In addition to these new features, we’d also like to take the time between now and 1.7’s release for suggestions from you all for additional features. What do you think would make Livecraft more fun? Is there a mini-game you’d love to play on LC? Post a comment below with your idea! But, please be reasonable with your suggestions.

Have a fantastic rest of the week,

— David (Drak1234)

Note: Mob arenas, PvP arenas, and dungeons are all eligible for player-submissions. I’ll be posting guidelines/tips on constructing dungeons, too.

Accepted mini-games:

  • Spleef

Unaccepted mini-games:

  • Hunger Games
  • Dwarves vs. Zombies

Changes to Registration

I will be making changes to how the registration system works. Already registered accounts will not be affected by any of these changes. The goal of the changes I am making is to have an account-to-website verification system along with support for users with underscores within their usernames (shadow_painter, etc.)

Regards, Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)

[IMPORTANT] Forums are now online

The long-awaited forums are now online. I will be adding content to the forums, but for now we have three basic forums: Rank Applications, Bug & Exploit reporting, and Off-topic. Feel free to utilize them properly. Do not ask for ranks in game anymore; instead, make a post in the forums.

Regards, Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)

[IMPORTANT] Information regarding server stability

Hi, I would like to inform you about a major issue which happened recently. Livecraft used to use developer-build plugins, which are reportedly unstable and buggy. Although no major issues have occurred because of this, I figured it was better safe than sorry to downgrade.

How wrong I was.

Now, there seems to be considerable lag and memory usage coming from virtually nowhere, and I can’t find out why. Furthermore, Multiverse Inventories had a configuration change which resulted in each world having an individual inventory setup. In order to fix this, I had to reset Multiverse Inventories. As this plugin controls inventories, you may have noticed that your survival inventory is now empty once you join the main world from either the flatlands, end, or nether. This issue can be resolved by restoring your inventory from a backup.

If your inventory is missing, please email support@livecraft.net with your Minecraft user name so I can restore your inventory.

[IMPORTANT] First post of August.

Staff Reform

Well, a staff reform is finally happening. I have been tired of the immaturity, sexual abuse, dirty language, and just how disgustingly our staff has been acting recently. I have reset all staff permissions to Trusted. There will be no questions about this change, and there will be no backtalk. I do not want anyone to take this personally, but this is a very important issue that not only makes Livecraft look bad, but it makes me look bad as a server owner.

Onto things of lighter weight

Do not worry, however, because you can reacquire your rank through work and diligence. I will be making a web-based system for applying for ranks. Each rank will have a list of requirements which need to be fulfilled before your application will be considered. Once we have a new team of staff, every new staff member will need to pass a vote in order to become staff. Livecraft will hopefully put more power in the hands of other staff to determine their staff, rather than just me picking who I think would be best. There will now be a cap of users per rank. There will only be at most four admins and six moderators. I will reimplement the assistant rank for users who are being voted on for staff. If the vote is passed, the user will be promoted to moderator. If the vote does not pass, then the user will stay on Assistant for a period of one month, or until they are deemed eligible for a re-vote.

Until then, Me (alfonsojon), Drak1234, and Imperialelite will be taking full responsiblity of server operation and administrative duties. EviLxXLoLLiEsXx will be taking care of user requests, griefing rollbacks, and chat monitoring.