[IMPORTANT] Map Rollback

Hey guys, I rolled the map back to the way it was as of June 30th at 12:05 AM EST.

The world experienced severe corruption simply because the world got too big. You guys were building so much and exploring so many chunks, that the maps simply couldn’t fit in the 4GiB RAM disk  (storage of files in memory) anymore. Because it ran out of space, the chunks could not read or write properly, so they would regenerate. This caused many houses and builds such as my house and max0704’s hobbit home to simply disappear. Many other things had magically disappeared, so this prompted a map rollback.

The server will no longer store files on the RAM disk until I get a RAM upgrade and/or a Solid State Drive. Until then, you may notice slower world rendering

I apologise for any losses caused by this issue, and I will try my best to prevent something of this nature from occurring again.

With regards, Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)

Excessive Server Immaturity

Hello guys, I’m posting about the extreme immaturity that has been happening on the server. I was dealing with it for a while, but now it’s getting beyond ridiculous. You guys know how to spell, you can speak english, and you can talk without using the word faggot or “fgt”. Using these words occasionally was fine, but now it’s becoming ridiculous.

Is it possible for you guys to grow up? I am really getting tired of you guys acting like immature five year olds. I expect more out of you, we’re supposed to be a family friendly server.

Please grow up.

– Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)

Minecraft 1.6

As you may or may not know, Minecraft 1.6 is right around the corner. Minecraft 1.6 is due on July 1st (Porky_Sporky’s birthday :D), but the server WILL NOT be ready for Minecraft 1.6 for a while. We are not resetting the map, but Spigot (our server software) will take a bit to update to Minecraft 1.6 and then our plugins must then be updated to be compatible with Spigot for Minecraft 1.6 as well. This process can take up to a week, so be aware of any news on the website regarding Minecraft 1.6.

Goals for Minecraft 1.6:

  1. New spawn?
  2. Builder plots near spawn
  3. Towny?
  4. Increased stability
  5. Skylands RPG world possible
  6. Removal of creative from main world, usage of flatlands for creative tasks.
  7. Permissions fixes and updates
  8. Texture pack update (Same texture pack, but updated)
  9. Bug fixes!

Bugs to be fixed:

  1. Inventory being cleared when disconnecting in creative
  2. Flatlands not working
  3. Portals not working properly for all users
  4. Random server crashes
  5. Timeout error when trying to log in

As usual, this will be hopefully done before we launch for 1.6. The server will not be down, but you CAN NOT UPDATE TO 1.6. When the server description is prefixed by [1.6], you can then update.

Regards, Jonathan Alfonso

P.S.: Keep a backup of your 1.5 JAR file (located in %APPDATA%/.minecraft/bin for Windows users) prior to updating. You can swap out the new Minecraft JAR with your backup easily by renaming them (i.e. minecraft.jar and 1_5_backup.jar, minecraft.jar and 1_6_backup.jar).

~ David (Drak)

Backend Updates

The server will be undergoing maintenance on the back end of the server, so there may be server shut downs occasionally. The server will be running on a regular schedule tomorrow.

Amazing Builds of the Week

Here are some amazing builds by an architect named “oldkitbag”. He and Lonnie3 built our spawn when Livecraft was a PVP server. He’s currently our only server architect, and here’s why; also, thrown into the mix is a mansion built by Porky_Sporky.


New Backup Site

Hey, everyone.

As a result of some down-time, a simple backup site has been pulled up. The backup website will contain basic information on what’s going on when the server’s experiencing difficulties and whatnot.

You can reach this site here: http://bck.livecraft.us/

It might be a good idea to bookmark that as a convenience.

~ David (Drak1234)

Cloudflare Services Enabled

Hey, Livecraft is now backed by Cloudflare. The server will work the same exact way, but we’re behind Cloudflare’s network, preventing attacks on the website and server.


Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)

Addendum to Updates

As an interim fix for the crashing issues, I have temporarily switched Livecraft back to Craftbukkit. You may experience more lag than usual, but there should not be any more crashes. Please email support@livecraft.net to report any bugs!

** This was fixed by updating CraftBook.