What’s New: Week 1

Hey guys, I figured I should start posting about what’s new on Livecraft. Although I will not post a new article every week, they will be counted on a weekly basis.

What’s new this week:

  1. Made sponges craftable, useful for underwater bases or pesky cave waterfalls. Use /recipe sponge to figure out how to craft it.
  2. Fixed a bug where the flatlands and main worlds were sharing an inventory, which is not good.
  3. Updated server & plugins, should be running smoother. Please post on the website’s “Bug Reports” forum if you find otherwise.
  4. Increased the maximum player count from 24 players to 32.

Update #3

I have bought a new domain (livecraft.us) and we will be online by the end of the month, hopefully sooner.

Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)

Update #2

The map has been reset to use the new map. Changes will be made to it, but it is basically ready to play on. There is now a world border to prevent the world from growing too large.

Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)

Important info about www.live-craft.com

Our domain expired and my friend (Drak1234) who registered the domain is not currently able to renew it. As a result, you must connect via the IP provided, not the domain. Livecraft is not down, we just do not have our URL.

Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)

[IMPORTANT] We’re back!

Hey guys, just posting to say we’re back online! Here’s a picture of our current spawn 🙂

New world info:

  • World is 512 blocks high instead of 256 blocks high
  • World is using the seed livecraft instead of Livecraft
  • World is using the large biomes setting.


~ Jonathan Alfonso (Alfonsojon)


[IMPORTANT] Update on Downtime ETA

Hey guys, sorry to delay, but I’ve been busy around July 4th, and now I’m tired. I have a lot of work to do on the server and I don’t want the server to be half-ready when I launch. My goal is to have it working as nicely as possible, so more downtime will be necessary. I can’t put deadlines on myself, but the goal is to have it online by this upcoming Thursday Sunday.

No guarantees, but that’s what I’m hoping for. Sorry for the delays,

Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)

[IMPORTANT] ETA on updates

Livecraft is currently under maintenance. We will be fully operational by the end of the week, but we will be online sooner. Expect some issues, and as always, please report any issues to support@livecraft.net

[IMPORTANT] Emergency Reset

Hi guys, rolling the map back didn’t work. The server map is slowly regenerating. I honestly don’t know what’s going on, but the map is just going haywire. The flatlands, redstone flatlands, and skylands worlds were saved; however, the rest is not able to be saved. I’m sorry guys 🙁

The reset will be taking place today at 3:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM UTC. If I didn’t have to reset, I wouldn’t. I’m sorry guys.

– Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)

[IMPORTANT] Map Rollback

Hey guys, I rolled the map back to the way it was as of June 30th at 12:05 AM EST.

The world experienced severe corruption simply because the world got too big. You guys were building so much and exploring so many chunks, that the maps simply couldn’t fit in the 4GiB RAM disk  (storage of files in memory) anymore. Because it ran out of space, the chunks could not read or write properly, so they would regenerate. This caused many houses and builds such as my house and max0704’s hobbit home to simply disappear. Many other things had magically disappeared, so this prompted a map rollback.

The server will no longer store files on the RAM disk until I get a RAM upgrade and/or a Solid State Drive. Until then, you may notice slower world rendering

I apologise for any losses caused by this issue, and I will try my best to prevent something of this nature from occurring again.

With regards, Jonathan Alfonso (alfonsojon)